
This is a now page. It tells you what I'm focused on at this point in my life. It's mostly useful for me personally I think.

Updated April 18, 2024, from my van in Jerez, Spain.

The road

I'm traveling through Spain right now. Mostly in rural areas. So great to feel the warmth of the spanish sun every morning.

Visual tools for ideation

My work is focused on a tool that helps visualizing business ideas. After experimenting around desirability and feasibility of the product, I'm now focused on how we can sell it. Adding 2 features to give early customers more choice.

The goal is to get the first 5 paying customers in 2 months.

And yes, I build this with Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, and Turbo. Still my favorite "One Person Framework" out there to get things done.

Tech independence

Experimemting with diffferent solutions to get our family photo library synced between 2 iPhones. Still not sure how to make it as easy as iCloud, while keeping it simple and minimal. But iCloud has to go. Sorry. Commited.
